Part 1 Discussion Topic: During this discussion, please choose one of the quest

Part 1
Discussion Topic:
During this discussion, please choose one of the questions below and respond. Responses should be well thought out, developing your ideas clearly. Please use proper grammar and spelling. Your response is due on Thursday, and your replies to classmates are due Sunday.
When a person is self-employed or begins a new business, OSHA does not reach out to help employers establish health and safety programs. Owners must figure out that OSHA exists. Inspections occur after serious injuries or fatalities occur or if you report an above-average number of injuries. Should a fatality or severe injury be the first time OSHA meets with a company? How might OSHA regulations become more known among small businesses?
Do any of the OSHA standards really intrigue you or catch your attention? Summarize which one and why you are intrigued or it catches your attention.
Response 1(Austin): The OSHA standard that catches my attention is the standard for Permit Required Confined Spaces. The Confined Spaces standard for general industry is covered under 29 CFR 1910.146. This standard outlines safety requirements for working in confined spaces to protect employees from hazards such as limited access, hazardous atmospheres, and engulfment. The thing that I find interesting is the lack of clear paperwork or standards. Cal OSHA currently doesn’t have a standardized form for entering a Permit Required Confined Space. I think that Cal OSHA should employers to file for a confined space entry permit through some sort of portal or service.
Response 2 (Abdullah)
When a person is self-employed or begins a new business, OSHA does not reach out to help employers establish health and safety programs. Owners must figure out that OSHA exists. Inspections occur after serious injuries or fatalities occur or if you report an above-average number of injuries. Should a fatality or severe injury be the first time OSHA meets with a company? How might OSHA regulations become more known among small businesses?
It would be very surprising if the first visit to OSHA coincides with severe injuries, emphasizing the need for employers to be proactive in ensuring safety. Regular communication with OSHA is crucial for staying informed and inquiring about any events that may pose a risk. OSHA should also raise awareness by sending informative messages, benefiting both employers and workers. Additionally, they should intensify visits to employers, addressing new challenges and cautioning other business owners.
Part 2
Please answer all questions below based on reading and multimedia sources. Be thorough and use complete sentences. If you use outside information different from what is provided this week, please give a reference or content link.
What is the OSHA permissible exposure limit for noise? (You need to look this up online)
Define Musculoskeletal Disorders and give an example of one.
What is the top OSHA violation for 2019?
List the standard number for general industry, construction, maritime, and agriculture.
Part 3
Weekly Reflections: After completing the weekly assignments you will provide a reflection of your week’s learning process. This should include your personal thoughts on the information you learned, any complications or positive aspects of your learning experience. Elaborate on areas that you need to improve and things that led to your success. Grading will be based on the thoroughness of your responses and depth of your reflection, and spelling and grammar.

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