Objective: This assignment aims to enhance your understanding of budget-consciou

Objective: This assignment aims to enhance your understanding of budget-conscious shopping and the utilization of data in making cost-effective purchasing decisions. You are required to conduct a comparative analysis of standard grocery items’ prices across five prominent retail chains.
Select the following items for your price comparison study:Bread
Tomato Sauce (national and store brand)
Tomato Paste (national and store brand)
Spaghetti (national and store brand)
Hotdogs and Buns
Mac and Cheese (national and store brand)
Pepsi (12-can pack)
Milk (national and store brand)
Orange Juice (national and store brand)
Visit the following retailers to collect price data for each item listed above:Ralphs
Trader Joe’s [Exception here as store usually has only its brand]
Whole Foods
Record the regular prices of these items, excluding any promotional or sale prices.
In your report, include: a. A detailed price list from each retailer. b. A discussion section addressing: i. The observed price differences among the retailers. ii. Total cost comparison to determine which store offers the lowest and highest total price for all items combined.
5. Put picture of the products I’ll show you an example of one of the products you need to do all of it for example here one for bread, if it says next to the product national and store brand you need to include both from the same store if available make sure in pictures you can see the price.

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