If men and women aren’t naturally opposite, then why do cisgender men and women

If men and women aren’t naturally opposite, then why do cisgender men and women perform gender differently?
Use evidence from the class to substantiate your claims about how men and women do gender differently and why. Note: while it’s fine to use the concept of “gender policing” in your response (but you don’t have to), do not rely solely on this interactionist concept. Pan out to the macro level, being sure to explain how social institutions such as church, family, work, media, school, OR consumer capitalism also promote and advance “opposite” performances of gender.
Why do sociologists who study the reproduction of social inequality concern themselves with how women and men act out these differences?
For this part of the essay, draw on the readings and podcasts from the second half of the semester. Explain how the behavior that you outline in the first half of the essay perpetuates gender-based oppression.

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