I need to write an introduction about Nanoparticles, specifically about the expe

I need to write an introduction about Nanoparticles, specifically about the experiment done. Useful information about the experiment are in a file “IMG_3142”.
An introduction section should contain the most important information from the entirety of the work:
– What was done?
-How? (Experimental)
-Report most critical results with error estimates (Results)
– Why is the result important?
-Compare the major result with previous work
– Final Summary
The ecperimental values, which were equal to 24 nm diameter for BET analysis and 383 nm for DLS analysis, were compared to the literature value in the following article: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40089-015-0163-6#:~:text=In%20this%20approach%2C%20an%20organic,as%20ascorbic%20acid%20%5B29%5D.
To better understand the subject and what to focus on can be found in the following files: “Experiment 33_8thEd”, “GNS_Expt26”, “Nanoparticles_BET_DLS”.

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