Hello this is what the essay will be about, check the attached for prompt and re

Hello this is what the essay will be about, check the attached for prompt and requirements and I also put three samples for you to look at. 5-7 pages double spaces
Overcoming My Public Speaking Fears
I grew up an introvert, always minding my business and only going out whenever necessary. This trait meant that I was less social, shy, and sometimes naïve for lack of exposure to various things. However, none of these traits ever bothered me because I used to pursue and achieve my goals and desires. Life started taking a challenging twist during my senior high school years when teachers assigned group tasks requiring teamwork. It obliged me to interact more often than I was used to, although I always stuck to my roles and insisted on the group meeting only when necessary and sticking to the objectives of every meeting. Unknown to me, what I thought I was doing for my gains was inspiring to others.
The real turning point in my life was when my classmates elected me as their representative for a significant school event. I immediately felt like shouting a big no in protest, but again, shyness and fear engulfed me. All that kept ringing in my mind were the teacher`s congratulatory words and the cheers that accompanied the statements. For the first time, I would stand in front of many, addressing them through a speech. The entire school community would be listening to me—teachers, parents, and fellow students. I dreaded the experience as it triggered my long-standing public speaking fear immediately.
Nevertheless, I never dwelt on the fears. Instead, I started thinking of how I would overcome this massive obstacle that was before me. Thanks to the internet and contemporary digital transformation, I had a lot of resources at my disposal for practice. I embarked on building my confidence through research on effective public speaking techniques, attending workshops, and asking my teacher of English for guidance. I also took more active roles in my group activities in preparation for the larger audience I was to face.
The applause and positive feedback I received after the speech were some of the most memorable events in my life. I knew I started weak because practicing and reality are different things altogether. However, I gradually gained confidence and delivered one of the best speeches ever presented by a class representative. The newfound empowerment it bestowed on me was my greatest joy to date about the event. I could now take on opportunities I initially shied away from. I also became more social, diversity-tolerant, adventurous, and explorative. My life in school and later at work became more comfortable because of this life-chan

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