File1: ( due today ) 12 pm Florida time Your assignment is to identify good sour

File1: ( due today ) 12 pm Florida time
Your assignment is to identify good sources and create an Annotated Bibliography with a minimum of 3 sources listed alphabetically by the author’s last name or the first letter of the title if no author. Write a summary of each article in no fewer than 3 to 4 sentences to be placed directly under the publication information, MLA style. Then, add 2-3 sentences evaluating the source and briefly commenting on how this source fits into your research which is ( File 2)
How to do one:

All sources must be obtained ONLY from the FIT academic databases, for example, the Gale Literature Resource Center, ProQuest, and Jstor.
NO OPEN ACCESS (e.g., “Googled”) SOURCES are allowed.
Direct quotations must stay within 15-20% of the word count.
MLA format and documentation are required.
File2: (due 10 December)
Then, write a 1000+ word ARGUMENTATIVE research essay on Shakespeare’s Othello.
The topic must be the following:
A Character Study: The Psychological Complexity of Iago
Note: it is better to narrow down the topic but don’t get out of it.
A minimum of THREE academic secondary sources must be used.
All sources must be obtained ONLY from the FIT academic databases, for example, the Gale Literature Resource Center.
NO OPEN ACCESS (e.g., “Googled”) SOURCES are allowed.
Direct quotations must stay within 15-20% of the word count.
MLA format and documentation are required.
File3: (due 5 December )
A formal outline of the research.
The Annotated Bibliography differs from the Works Cited to be placed at the back of your final paper in that The Annotated Bibliography will include ALL of the sources you explored in your research, and the Works Cited will list ONLY those sources that you have quoted, summarized, or paraphrased in the paper.
Also, Avoid using the First personal point of view (no “I, please) even when discussing your viewpoints.

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