Essays must contain a minimum of 900 words. You will not receive full credit if

Essays must contain a minimum of 900 words. You will not receive full credit if your essay is less
than the minimum length. While reviewing your selected jazz performance, take notes on the songs
as they are played. Write sentence fragments describing your observations concerning such musical
aspects as melody, harmony, rhythm, improvisations, form, texture, arrangement, overall ensemble
dialogue, interaction, and stylistic details. This information will serve as the basis for your essay. In
your essay, summarize your experience, explain aspects of the performance you liked or disliked – and
explain why. I am primarily interested in your personal conclusions and thoughts based on concepts
you have learned in this course related to jazz performance, group interaction, and improvisations.
First, compose a rough draft. Begin with general information about the performance, including who
performed, where the event was held, and any other essential details about the concert that you can
provide. Underscore the songs you preferred the most and talk about anything you liked the least, the
makeup, and the performance’s overall mood. It is crucial to coordinate the piece’s emotion with how
you depict each song. Then, conclude your paper by recapping the event and providing an overall
reflection. Lastly, proofread your essay and correct any grammatical and structural issues before
submitting the finished document. Add the pic to the essay please

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