Below I will provide you with the professors recommendations on every part of the paper. Please make the corrections. Attached is the paper and rubric. Thanks for your hard work!
Feedback Week 4: Capstone Case Entry: Relevant Health History, AMQ
please include alcohol history.
Feedback for Week 5: Capstone Case Entry Relevant Diet Hx, and HAQ score and MSQ
Michelle- excellent- agree- need to know type of fluid intake especially w/ symptoms that may be associated with diabetes
Feedback for Week 6: Capstone Case Entry Relevant Diet Intake
Michelle- good diet intake synopsis. Place your dietary recommendations later in your therapeutic plan section of the capstone
Feedback for Week 9: Capstone Case Entry Lab Tests
Michelle- good selection odf testing.
Also consider adding a fasting insulin level to rule out insulin resistance.
Consider a Vit C level Vit C is needed to produce proline and proline is neede to make connective tissue for healing.
Feedback for Week 11: Capstone Case Entry Treatment/Therapeutic Plan
Michelle- excellent comprehensive therapeutic plan. In agreement w/ diet and supplements/actiuvity/stress management.
Stress also ^’s hepatic glucose release.
Feedback for Week 12: Capstone Case Entry Progress/Outcomes/Reevaluation Parameters
Michelle- good job
what about adding a food diary for tracking?
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