Based on the case Climate Risk and Banking: Citi’s Net-Zero Future, please answe

Based on the case Climate Risk and Banking: Citi’s Net-Zero Future, please answer the following questions:
1) Why has Citi decided to issue/underwrite $1 trillion in sustainable finance by 2030?
2) What are green bonds? What are their benefits and risks? Why should a company issue them?
3) What are social bonds? What are their benfits and risks? Why should a company issue them?
4) Why did Citi/Fraser decide to announce a net-zero target by 2050? Do you agree? Why or why not? Is fighting climate change a role banks should play?
5) Take a look at the heat map (case exhibit 15b), What should be priorities for Citi going forward as it tries to work toward its goal of net-zero and why?
For your essay be sure to:
Follow the APA Guide for formatting; however, you do not need to include an abstract.
Submit in Times New Roman, 12-point font, single-spaced.
Do not exceed a maximum length of 3 pages.
Please remember that these are essays and not short answer assignments, so you should not be writing out each question and then following with a short paragraph answer. Equally, in your essays, you should be sure to answer all the questions and draw any necessary connections between questions/themes.

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