Again, you are, by no means, limited to these articles. There is A LOT about thi

Again, you are, by no means, limited to these articles. There is A LOT about this material out there. However, if you want to use an article you find instead of one I provide, you’ll need to run it past me by emailing me the link to the article in question so I can vet it. You need to consider the article in context of what we’ve learned in class and from the text, so it will not be possible to start your essay until we’ve covered the relevant material in class.
Since this Project can be completed at any time over course the semester though absolute due date is December 4 at 11:59 pm..
Same rules as before. If want to mix it up, if you did the slideshow last time, do the paper and vice versa. But I’m not policing it. You do you…
You have one of two options to complete the project once you find your article:
You can write a ~1000-word essay on the topic you choose. (Arial, 12 pt., double space that’s about 3 pages). You do not need in text citations or a cover page. Just title the document at the top of the first page and have the citation for your source after the final paragraph. (Author, Title of the article, URL, date will work fine)
You can prepare a short slide show. Minimum 10 slides, including cover slide, 8 content slides and 1 for bibliography. If you are doing slides, make them “pretty” – Use a theme other than the black-on-white background, some pictures from the internet on the content pages, etc. Your slides should NOT be massive blocks of text you rip from the article (that’s plagiarism). You need to summarize the points for each page in bullet points. You DO NOT have to present the slideshow. I’ll grade the product.
You need to turn the product in to me through CANVAS. The Final Due Date, as previously mentioned is July 22 and that is an absolute limit. You CAN turn in your completed product at any time before that and I encourage you to do so. That way you can concentrate on the end of the term.
This Topic “Essay” is also worth 50 points or 5% of your final grade.

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