Your assignment is to write a 1-page paper discussing how interpersonal dialogue

Your assignment is to write a 1-page paper discussing how interpersonal dialogue is applicable to having and
being competent in effective communication. Discuss how general competence impacts your ability to communicate
effectively. Discuss your ability to self-manage your communication during the situation to ensure a positive dialogue outcome. What strategies do you think you could have used or did you use to improve your communication? Does empathy play a role in effective dialogue?
To ensure you are using appropriate writing techniques remember to:
1. Create an outline that will highlight your main points
2. Proofread and check for miss spelled words
3. Revise and take breaks from work so you don’t over work the paper
4. Choose a font for the document. Times New Roman is a popular serif font.
5. Spacing not specified
6. Create a typical heading, such as (example):
TO: Instructor-
FROM: Your name
Remember to have a concise, clear and identified opening, body, and conclusion to your paper.
On your papers you will be deducted 5 points for the following errors:
➢ Fundamental errors (capitalization errors, punctuation errors etc.)
➢ Poor sentence structure and comprehension errors
➢ Information that is not concise, to the point and not clear
➢ Incomplete thoughts
➢ Not following directions
This paper should be your own thought and views sported by the book( Peter W. Cardon Title: Cardon, 4e, Business Communication: Developing Leaders for a Networked World). Please be sure to cite outside sources or your work can be subject to being viewed as plagiarism.

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