You are the new System Support Technician at Premier Collegiate School. This pri

You are the new System Support Technician at Premier Collegiate School. This private school has students from grade 7 to grade 12 with 300 students, and 30 staff members and teachers. Each of the 10 administrative staff has a dedicated desktop computer. The school principal, Ashton Symonds, has a notebook computer which she takes home and when traveling to conduct both school business, and personal tasks. She maintains a Facebook and MySpace account to be able to monitor the activities of the students who also have such accounts.
The teachers have ten computers that they share in the teachers’ lounge to record grades and do all work associated with conducting their assigned classes (daily lesson plans, research, handouts, tests, quizzes, and final exams). There are two servers functioning in the school, one for the administration business, and one to serve student needs. The administration server has dedicated storage for each of the teachers and both hard wired access and wireless access throughout the school. The student server has applications the students might need for their schoolwork. In addition, the student server provides wireless access for student-owned and school-required laptop computers. All students are required to have laptop computers with wireless access. There is also one dedicated computer lab with 25 desktop computers for the students to use in computer science classes.
Principal Symonds has requested that you prepare an asset list and prioritize the assets based on their importance to the function of the school and the level of protection required for each asset.
Administrator Staff_ 10 Dedicated desktop computers
Principal-notebook computer? Takes home/ facebook account to monitor students.
Teachers-10 computers/ lounge
Admin server
School server
Students_ 300 laptops
Computer lab 25 desktops

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