Write a reflection on one of the following readings: (i) Jones Chap 8: People, P

Write a reflection on one of the following readings: (i) Jones Chap 8: People, People, People, People; or (ii) Jones Chap 9: On Our Same Side; (iii) Golash-Boza, “The Immigration Industrial Complex: Why We Enforce Immigration Policies Destined to Fail.” (Canvas). Please do not summarize the readings. Instead, your response should contain your “thinking” on the topic in two to three paragraphs (200-250 words). It should be critical, thoughtful, and engage with the ideas in the texts.
For example, which authors and books supported ‘race’ pseudoscience? How did the 1924 Johnson-Reed Immigration Act and McCarren-Walter Immigration Act of 1952 support ‘race’ pseudoscience? What did the Pioneer Fund do to promote Anglo supremacy? What are some books that focus on Anglo supremacy and the great replacement theory? How did Tanton use non-profit organizations to spread his anti-immigration views? Who are some of the powerful individuals that served on Tanton’s organizations boards?

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