Write a one to two page, double spaced 12 point times new Roman font paper answering Discussion Question #2 found on page 211 of the Ethics in Information Technology text. Be thoughtful in your response and be sure to explain how your understanding of (perspective regarding) government internet monitoring affect your behavior in the online setting. If there is no affect, explain in detail why this is the case and what your beliefs are regarding the information that can be obtained regarding your online browsing habits.
You will be graded based on the BLAW372PaperRubric.
Here is the link to the book https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1148160811966156815/1149084740532584489/ethics-in-information-technology-6th-edition_compress.pdf?ex=65552f8f&is=6542ba8f&hm=f042012e3db508f10b482d9a0a3fce9b1cd2d3e170e4e037c2b7316ea7aea1c5&
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