write 15 page While it is normal to expect that an economics research paper will

write 15 page
While it is normal to expect that an economics research paper will involve some modeling and simple regressions it is also possible to produce a good paper making clever use of tables and graphs. What is essential is that you learn how to make an argument and sustain or reject it on the basis of empirical evidence. You might seek to apply an existing model to different data or repeat a test that already exists in the literature using different time periods. The final work should be about 15 pages in length, double-spaced in Times Roman 12 pt. font.
I strongly encourage students to write the paper in LATEX. This is the standard among most researchers in economics today and you might as well learn it now rather than later. Here is a source to get you started: http://www.maths.tcd.ie/~dwilkins/LaTeXPrimer/
Here is another one. . .
i will attach the proposal.

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