When working with clients in mental health settings to conduct diagnostic impres

When working with clients in mental health settings to conduct diagnostic impressions, a critical piece of the assessment process relates to the social worker’s ability to share the findings with the client. Being diagnosed with a mental health disorder can bring a wave of emotions, both positive and negative, and it’s important students understand the delicate nature of sharing related findings.
In this assignment students will use one of the cases from your completed lab assignments. Then write an outline or summary of how the findings from the lab would be shared with the client. Students will submit a video of sharing their findings- this can be done individually or with a “client” (friend, family member or fellow student) in the video. The response/ engagement of the “client” will not be graded- the focus of this assignment is on delivery and explanation of the diagnosis.
Keep in mind the following considerations, suggested by Morrison (2016):Summarize the problem to give assurance you understand why the client has come to you for assistance, as well as to communicate your desire to learn further from the client
Give a diagnosis and base your statements on the client’s capacity
Keep it simple, relaying what the client needs to know
Don’t use jargon and discuss your findings in basic language that can be understood by lay people
Keep asking for feedback to gauge the client’s understanding and any areas of clarification needed
Emphasize the positive as it relates to treatment for the diagnosis
Show your compassion to acknowledge the client’s feelings, build rapport, and foster a sense of hope
In this assignment students will include the data from the completed lab report (cut and paste) and then address in a recorded video how you intend to share the findings with the client. The video should include how the topic would be introduced, the relevant information and the conversation yo would facilitate as a clinician sharing this diagnosis with a client. Discuss treatment options/ expectations (include medication in discussion if warranted). Incorporate either of the following to assist with the dialog/ overall thoughts on diagnostic delivery and discussion with client: (no word count for this assignment).
A loose outline of how you would initiate the discussion, detail findings, and conclude the conversation.A script can be written to outline the dialogue you and your client might have as you share your findings
A summary of how you would initiate the discussion, detail findings, and conclude the conversation. A summary can be written to provide an overview of your approach and what you’d share, in paragraph format

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