Web Project The final individual web project is for you to create at least six w

Web Project
The final individual web project is for you to create at least six web pages to showcase your
product/service of the company that you want to create for your future personal company to make
money. This web project has nothing to do with the company that you are currently working for, it is for
you to create your own company (make believe) to create income for you. Submit all the files via canvas
as a zipped file. The due date is going to be the last lecture date. The grade will be assigned based on the
following criteria:
1. Database Connectivity (45%), 2. Contents (35%), 3. User Friendly (20%)
You can use any software tool that you like to create web pages.
You’ll need to link your web page(s) to MySql database through php pages. The deliverables are the
a. All web pages
b. Php files
c. Sql file with table and column names and the relationship through foreign key. That way I can
duplicate your effort on my local MySql database
Pre-recorded presentation is required. Then submit the required files via Canvas, Assignments by the due
date listed on the course agenda.

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