We recently finished studying our fourth religious tradition – Christianity For

We recently finished studying our fourth religious tradition – Christianity For this journal assignment, I would like you to reflect on this religious tradition and what you learned about it and from it. 1. What were your expectations of this religion? Before we started studying Christianity, did you have any previous knowledge or experience with this religion?
2. What were the most interesting things you learned about this religious tradition?
3. Was there anything about this religion that really surprised you? Or that defied your expectations?
4. What is one thing that you appreciate or respect about this religion? This could be an attitude, a practice, a belief, a ritual, etc.
5. Which of the three readings (Abuelita Faith or Letter from Birmingham Jail) did you find the most interesting? Why? What did you learn about the religion from the reading? Was there anything that you agreed or disagreed with in the reading?
6. What would you like to learn more about in this religion? Or what questions do you still have about this religion?
Your journal should be at least 600 words long and contain at least two direct quotations from the readings (one from two of the three assigned readings) along with the page number (if available). There are no right or wrong answers for this assignment. You will be graded on the completeness of your journal and whether you followed the assignment instructions. The journal is not due until we finish studying Buddhism, but you are welcome to start working on it as we are learning about it.
Here is the link to the reading itself:
http://okra.stanford.edu/transcription/document_images/undecided/630416-019.pdfLinks to an external site.
*Just start reading on Page 12 where is says “oppressed people will not remain oppressed forever”
And the bibliographic information for the reading:
King, Martin Luther. “Letter from Birmingham Jail.” Letter from Birmingham Jail, by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., letterfromjail.com/.
And here is a link to Kat Armas’ podcast, if you are interested!

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