Watch the above video and fill in the chart. Include a running record Copy the

Watch the above video and fill in the chart.
Include a running record
Copy the table from the Assignment description and Paste it into the answer box or download the table to your desktop
If you choose to download the document, save as .pdf, .doc, .docx. or jpeg….please do not save as any other document type!
Type in your answer
Each child should have one completed rows
Do not answer in boxes that have dashes
For each column give a complete example
Language and Memory Chart
Type of Memory (state the type of memory with the example) (one example for each child)
Encoding/Storage/Retrieval (strategy used with the example)
(one example for each child)
Receptive Language
Expressive Language
Describes main story, setting, events
(one example for each child)
Taking turns
(one example for each child)
Aria (3yrs)
Aria (3 yrs)
Olivia (5 yrs)
Olivia (5 yrs)

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