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Required Paper Stage III: Environmental conditions in community
Two (2) photographs are required for this assignment. Students MUST take their own photos of the community. Photos from an internet image search will not be accepted.
Each photo must represent a different example from the Social Determinant of Health category Neighborhood and Built Environment: Environmental Conditions, specifically
Exterior conditions of buildings as well as empty lots and abandoned buildings
Open space/parks (or lack of), maintained sidewalks, bike lanes, etc.
Air Quality
One page for each example, place photo on top half of page. Image should not take up more than 50% of page.
In the opening line of paragraph state location where image was taken (e.g., address or intersection) with some general information that you know about this location (no outside sources)
Then describe what the reader/viewer should notice in the image that is an example of one of the environmental condition issues (remember to use the terminology and put in bold or italics as before to reinforce the concepts to the reader)
Close by explaining how this issue negatively or positively impacts the health of the community and in what ways (e.g., the air quality is poor due to _____ which is bad for _______ health issue.)
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