Title: Title: Performing a Correlation Analysis Discussion Prompt# 1 Initial Pos

Title: Title: Performing a Correlation Analysis
Discussion Prompt# 1
Initial Post Instructions
For this discussion, you will use the demographic variables that you reported on last week. For each of these variables, you will conduct the appropriate correlational analysis with at least one other variable from the Programs Outcomes Data Base that is related to your specific program. It is recommended that you conduct correlational analysis on two variables that are at the interval level or higher so that you can just interpret Pearson’s r measure of association. Using APA format for reporting statistics, report the results of your correlations. Then, provide the interpretation and conclusion based on the strength of the relationship. Attach a copy of the actual analysis (EXCEL Spreadsheet file) to the discussion post.
Response Instructions
Review the posts of your peers. Provide feedback to two of them on the presentation of their results. Key areas for consultation include:
Accuracy of the results.
Clarity of the results.
Conformance of statistical results and presentation with APA guidelines.
The response should be 1 to 2 paragraphs, in APA format.
Please reply to classmate Caroline–
Hello class,
For this week’s assignment, I continued to utilize the Anger Management Skills Training from Templeton Family Services & Support Program. Specifically, I analyzed the Gender and Education Level against the AMS pre scores. This scale “assesses respondent’s perception of ability to engage in stress management strategies… The scale yields a range of total score of 0 – 85. The higher the score reflects greater self-perception in ability to use stress management skills” (Templeton Family Services, n.d., para 5).
In this data, the gender is categorized as (1) for male and (2) for female. Education level is rated as (1-11) for actual grade, (12) for high school, (13) for some college/trade school, (14) for bachelor’s degree, and (15) for master’s degree. The numeric scale attached to these variables allowed the correlational analysis to be completed in relation to the AMS pre scores.
The correlation between gender and AMS pre scores proved to be weak. When running the data analysis, it showed that, to the extent a correlation exists, females have a lower AMS pre scores. Specifically, r = -.12.
Education Level
The correlation between education level and AMS pre scores proved to be weak. When running the data analysis, it showed that, to the extent a correlation exists, those with higher education levels have higher AMS pre scores. Specifically, r = .074.
While both gender and education level proved to be weak correlations, education level was noticeably weaker. “Pearson’s r correlation coefficient can range from the perfect correlation of -1.0 to the perfect correlation of +1.0, with 0 representing no correlation” (Rubin, 2013, p. 208). Gender and education level alone do not necessarily impact the AMS pre scores. One’s gender nor education level are good guides as to what their own self awareness level is of their perception in ability to use stress management.
Rubin, A. (2013). Statistics for Evidence-Based Practice and Evaluation (3rd ed). Brooks Cole.
Templeton Family Services. (n.d.).
Instructions– Integrates evidence from required readings and module’s lesson to support discussion. Sources are credited using APA style. Engages in meaningful dialogue with classmate include information, insights, and questions to facilitate meaningful dialogue.
Decolonizing Ourselves
Discussion Prompt#2
Please complete the practice exercises in this week’s module before answering this week’s discussion question. What did you learn about the influence of colonization on your ability to empathize or make choices?
Please reply to classmate Diana–
Hello Peers,
After completing the practice exercises in this week’s module, I learned about colonization’s impact on my ability to empathize. I realized there are great restriction opportunities within communities due to colonial narratives and the power imbalance that has been created towards these communities. Colonization can truly affect how one can emphasize and consider why Indigenous communities may behave or respond the way they do (. Many minority groups, such as the Indigenous community, endure oppression, discrimination, and racism due to the social injustices that come from colonization and colonial narratives. Being able to understand the marginalization and discrimination that minority groups have undergone can allow social workers to further empathize with their situation and determine the best ways to advocate for their needs and rights. Being able to empathize with the effects of colonization is crucial as it can bring into perspective how historical trauma, genocide, and oppression have negatively impacted the quality of life of these communities (Chamberlain Univeristy, 2023).
When completing the second exercise, I was a bit frustrated with the situation; however, I had to remind myself that self-awareness/self-reflection is crucial as a social worker. There will be cases that I come across that may be difficult for me to empathize with; however, that is where my self-awareness comes into play, and my biases have to be put aside. I can emphasize fairly well; however, I acknowledge that my empathy can be improved. With these exercises, it became very apparent to me that as social workers, we must educate ourselves on colonization and the effects it has on Indigenous communities and those affected by it. It is important that, as social workers, we have a high sense of self-awareness on the effects/ outcomes of colonization and work towards determining ways to combat oppression for minorities. According to Eichbaum et al. (2023), it is important to remember that empathy is a skill and a “historic and culturally situated notion.”
Chamberlain University College of Health Professions. (2023). MSW17 Week 3: Decolonization: A Paradigm for Healing Oppressed Communities [Online lesson].
Eichbaum, Q., Barbeau-Meunier, A., White, M., Ravi, R., Grant, E., Riess, H., & Bleakley, A. (2023). Empathy across cultures – one size does not fit all: From the ego-logical to the eco-logical of relational empathy. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 28(2), 643-657.
Title: Colonization and Decolonization
Discussion Prompt#3
Think about a population with whom you hope to work. How can concepts of colonization and decolonization inform your practice? Please refer to at least two ideas from the readings.
Please reply to classmate Tania–
Think about a population with whom you hope to work. How can concepts of colonization and decolonization inform your practice? Please refer to at least two ideas from the readings.
Module 3: Colonization and Decolonization
Hello class,
Process of Decolonization
Colonization and decolonization can inform my practice by learning about how communities have been impacted and experience their lives. The process of decolonization and Afrocentrism are concepts that support my practice. In module 3, we learned that decolonization happens in three stages: recognition, recontextualization, and reclamation (Marshall, 2011). This will look differently, such as if political power continues with the colonizers, then decolonization will occur underground or may show up as a political protest. Where democratization is present, then institutions may support decolonization and support communities. There must be a recognition that one has been colonized. Then, recontextualizing personal problems as being colonized is the next step. Then, reclamation involves reclaiming one’s body, mind, family, and community. This includes learning about one’s culture, such as traditional diet, traditional objects, practices, beliefs, and language.
Whitehead (2018) writes that Afrocentrism is an example of mezzo practice in African American communities. The author writes about the strength and resilience shown by African American ancestors who were involuntarily displaced from their homes and then overcame racism. Many African American people have been able to learn about their culture and find their identities. Furthermore, Afrocentrism is a concept that can be used to teach about decolonization that can be applied generally. It teaches us about health and well-being at the center. Individuals can learn about their culture and gain wisdom from ancestor teaching. In addition, there is a past of overcoming trauma, oppression, and its interconnectedness with one’s origin. Furthermore, colonized people may begin to learn a consumer approach and may start to experience internalized racism. As a result, the people may feel mistreated because of their fault. This can create a sense of continual oppression. Decolonization includes rejecting consumerism as a cultural ideal and beginning to be happy with having enough economically.
The process of decolonization and Afrocentrism are both useful in my practice to continue to understand various communities while providing support. It starts with being self-aware of one’s own colonization and how that impacts everyday living practices. In addition, it involves recontextualizing personal problems.
Thank you,
Marshall, W. E. (2011). Potent mana: Lessons in healing and power. State University of New York Press.
Whitehead, M. M. (2018). Applying Afrocentric theory to mezzo practice with African-Americans. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 28 (2), 125-141

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