Tips for Term Project—You are required to write 5 pages term project on some n

Tips for Term Project—You are required to write 5 pages term project on some narrow, focused aspect of Mass Communication. For example, you may want to research a person in the field that has been influential in mass communication. You may want to research the various fields of mass communication, such as public relations, electronic media etc. or some specific area of the various fields or issues related to media.
Your paper should include the following:
1. Cover page with name and the title of your your Term Project and date.
2. Table of content (list of all title and sub-title in the paper) If still do not know, look online or just go to your own textbook and see the content page— which is table of content).
The paper should start with :
a. introduction,
b. purpose of the research paper, what intend to be found in the paper ( (section a and b should be on the same page).
3. background information (new page and one full page).
4. main information about your topic (title and sub-title) 3 full pages.
5. Conclusion, recommendation, critical thinking or opinion (one full page).
Conclusion is the summary of your paper and its finding.
Recommendation is (what you learned in the paper and what you see is lacking for future investigation).
Critical thinking or the opinion is the last and should be based on what you learned (the facts) and what you think of the research you have done. All these three should be on a new page with title for each one.
6. References (List every source 5 or more ( were used in the content) in reference format (author’s name, title of the article, publication, date, etc.)

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