This will be a graded discussion board post and requires each group (15 points for initial post), and individual (10 points for 2 responses) to respond to at least two of the alternate groups with feedback, references REQUIRED for posted information and/or a clinical observation discussed in ALL posts.
The initial posting (worth 15 points) by the group should include all of the subheadings below. I recommend you work together for this section in a collaborative Google Doc BUT post ONLY ONCE for the entire group. So someone should be the “leader” of the group. If you use references please cite them:
periodontal risk (for specific age range)
tobacco use/side effects and oral manifestations
financial concerns (for specific age range)
typical work/family concerns (for specific age range)
restorative needs/requirements for replacement of faulty restorations
insurance accessibility (coverage through work or none)
systemic diseases/health challenges commonly found (for specific age range)
cosmetic concerns (discuss ALL: whitening, veneers, orthodontics, crowns and implants)
childcare issues (as applicable)
aging parents (“sandwich generation” to an external site.)
The initial “group” posting is expected to be 500 words or more by November 17th by 11:59pm.
The individual student responses are expected to be 250 words or more (substantial, new and accurate information added to original post – avoid repeating their information and only complimenting which are NOT included in words counted and are due by Monday, November 20th at 11:59pm.
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