This week, you will submit a topic for your class presentation in week 7 of the

This week, you will submit a topic for your class presentation in week 7 of the term. You will receive feedback on your topic from your instructor.
For your class presentation, you should pick a news story with global implications and follow its development throughout the term. To do so, you should be checking the news regularly (at least twice a week). At the end of the term, you will prepare a PowerPoint presentation that describes how this event has unfolded and its relevance to global social change. The presentation should explicitly link what you found to some of the concepts and ideas from class for instance, by using them to explain how the events unfold, or to compare them to other events discussed in the course.
A global news story is one that involves people or structures in at least two countries, but not necessarily every area of the globe. It can be regional in nature, focusing, for instance, on the European Union, South America, or Sub-Saharan Africa. It may be linked to politics, but may also be in business, science, crime, pop culture, etc. Some examples may include the development of a vaccine for a pandemic (such as AIDS, Ebola, malaria, COVID-19), expansion of/negotiations to solve a conflict, developments in international drug trafficking, an international sports event, etc.
In addition to being international in nature, the event needs to involve a component of social change. Meaning, this event/situation/phenomenon needs to change society in some explicit way that is discussed in the news. For instance, diseases and natural disasters may change the demographics of a nation and affect its economy. An international sports event may be significant because it is the first time to be held in a particular nation, and this has symbolic meaning beyond who wins and loses (think about the rugby world cup in South Africa).
Students need to rely on reputable news sources, such as news agencies, mainstream newspapers, and mainstream news channels, to gather information. Their sources should be based in at least three different countries/regions, in order to get a variety of points of views.
Standard plagiarism rules will apply to the presentation. To cite and list sources in their presentation, Students are required to use ASA format
Below are suggested international English-language sources you may use: (searchable site to access newspapers and magazines from around the world, in English) link opens in a new window/tab) (CNN International) link opens in a new window/tab) (Al Jazeera English, different from Al Jazeera America) link opens in a new window/tab) link opens in a new window/tab) link opens in a new window/tab) (independent European news) link opens in a new window/tab) (international TV news channel) link opens in a new window/tab) (Russian news) link opens in a new window/tab) link opens in a new window/tab) link opens in a new window/tab) (Business News in Latin America) link opens in a new window/tab) link opens in a new window/tab) link opens in a new window/tab) (links to newspapers from around the Caribbean) link opens in a new window/tab) link opens in a new window/tab)(news from Israel) link opens in a new window/tab) link opens in a new window/tab) link opens in a new window/tab) link opens in a new window/tab) link opens in a new window/tab) link opens in a new window/tab) link opens in a new window/tab) (from Kenya) link opens in a new window/tab) (Kenyan TV station) link opens in a new window/tab) (South African news source) link opens in a new window/tab) (South African Broadcasting Corporation, includes TV and radio) link opens in a new window/tab) (Australian news) link opens in a new window/tab) (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) link opens in a new window/tab) (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, includes TV and radio)
Other sources will be subject to instructor approval, to make sure that they are valid.

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