The finished Communications Packet must contain:
Title Page
Table of Contents
Précis (instructions below)
Final versions of each deliverable
White Paper
Slide Deck and Script
How to Write a Précis
A précis (PRAY see) is a fancy word for an abstract of a text or speech. It differs from a summary in one important way. A précis concisely lays out another text’s main ideas and arguments, and explains its essential conclusion. A précis, in other words, has a point of view, where as a summary is a neutrally written restatement. In this case, you’ll be summarizing your White Paper and briefly explaining the action or position recommended by the Communications Packet.
The précis is another genre aimed at a very small audience: a top decision-maker at your non-profit. This could be the CEO or Director, or a member of a Board of Directors, or some other high-level executive or official.
A précis conveys the essential message and argument of a thoroughly researched White Paper or other dense text. It should be no longer than a single page, and a reader should be able to quickly scan the page and understand the main points while on the go. Therefore, it should be almost entirely jargon-free, written in short, easily understandable sentences that a reader could confidently re-state.
Your précis will be the first page after the Table of Contents in your Communications Packet.
Tips for an effective précis:
Be sure to include the thesis or purpose of the White Paper.
Be as concise as possible, but still include all important points.
Do not copy wording from the White Paper. The style should be simplified, short sentences that explain the research without restating the specific data or statistics.
Avoid using phrases like “this article states…”
Conclude by restating the argument of the White Paper clearly in 1-2 sentences maximum.
The course project is the creation of a Communications Packet about how race, gender, or class influence your topic.
Your decision to pursue a degree at Unity indicates that there is at least one topic in environmental and/or sustainability studies about which you are passionate. As you develop your knowledge on your topic, it is important to also learn how to communicate your knowledge and that research effectively to various audiences. This course is about developing those communication skills. Many of you come from different disciplines or are interested in different aspects of a discipline, making it impossible for us to find one subject that would apply equally to all of you. Therefore, you each will choose a topic of your own to explore in this course, and you will research how systemic issues like race, gender, and class intersect your topic. In the course, you will be positioned as an expert about your topic, and I will be coaching and assessing you on your ability to successfully communicate about this topic with different professional audiences.
For example, if the topic I am truly interested in is water quality, then perhaps I would decide to explore how race and class influence the water crisis in Flint, Michigan Links to an external site.. I would then explore how these systemic issues were intertwined in the water crisis, because understanding this can help me to more effectively tell the story of the issue to different stakeholders, for example, decision makers in my organization, government officials, and potential donors or partners.
If you know the topic you want to research for your capstone course, I encourage you to use this project as a way to begin your research. If you do not yet know your capstone topic, I encourage you to use this project to test out an area in which you are interested. To practice communicating to different stakeholders you will create practical projects that you may find yourself developing in your career.
Individuals working in the non-profit sector are often called on to speak to different stakeholders with very little notice. As a result, organizations often have a Communications Packet, which presents core information about a topic packaged for different broad types of stakeholders that can be tweaked and individualized for specific audiences as needed.
For example, a general funding request presentation may be designed for the communications packet, which can then be customized when speaking to a specific corporation, or congressional funding group.
The project for this course is the creation of a Communications Packet about how race, gender, or class influence your topic.You will select one of these systemic issues as an exercise in conducting deep contextual research around your topic.
To complete this project, you will identify an actual non-profit organization working in some capacity on your environmental or sustainability topic. Acting as if you were an intern who has been tasked with creating a Communications Packet for this organization, you will research how race, gender, or class either impact, or are impacted by, this issue. You will prepare multiple artifacts for this packet:
A White Paper to inform other organizational professionals and potential partner organizations. White Papers are directed to experts who understand data, statistics, and contextual issues, but may not necessarily be experts in disciplinary jargon. This paper will be drafted in the second week of class, and I will offer feedback for revision. You will then revise the White Paper for final submission in Week 5.
A 10-12 min/5-slide A/V slide deck presentation designed to appeal to potential donors or partners. These audiences will need information explained in accessible and engaging ways. The presentation will include selected research from your White Paper, and visual elements such as an infographic, photos, and diagrams.
A Précis for executive decision makers to quickly review the main points of your research and the action or solution you advocate. This audience wants to see that you’ve done your research and can lay out your proposed solution or action in a concise and precise manner.
Along the way, you will discuss your research, rhetorical strategies, and learning materials about various topics with your classmates. These discussions will give you practice thinking about other contexts and offering feedback to one another. Your final communications packet, due at the end of week five, should represent your best work. Internships are often seen as a way to break into a company or organization, and the work you do in an internship should be done to the best of your ability in an attempt to convince the organization to hire you.
This is a large project that will take you the entire five weeks of this course to complete. Here is a general time table for the sections of this project. All research material must be cited in text and on a references page in APA format.
Week 1 – Identify your issue & assess its intersection with race, gender, or class. Identify your non-profit organization & the stakeholders in this organization. (Who is impacted/served by the organization? Who funds the organization? Where is the organization most active? Where is it most needed? Etc. )
Week 2 – Compile bibliography and begin synthesizing information. Draft White Paper.
Week 3 – Draft Slide Deck & Script
Week 4 – Revise White Paper, make any needed adjustments to Slide Deck + Script
Week 5 – Record A/V presentation of Slide Deck + Script, write Précis, and deliver finished Communications Packet
The finished Communications Packet is worth 30% of your grade and must contain:
Title Page
Table of Contents
Final versions of
White Paper
Slide deck + Script
Recorded Slide Deck Presentation (submitted in separate assignment)
Tips for completing this assignment:
Choose your issue and non-profit well and stick to it. Do not attempt to change focus mid-course. The amount of work required to re-do projects will overwhelm you.
During the first weeks, identify a clear connection between your issue and race, class, or gender that you will be able to continue to research. It is that clear connection that will help you formulate a message that you can adapt for each audience.
Before submitting your final Communications Packet, make sure that you are adhering to APA formatting guidelines for your Title Page, Table of Contents, and White Paper. In professional contexts, attention to detail is important, and small mistakes can distract your audience from your main point.
Don’t be overwhelmed by the scope of the project or by feeling like you have to address all the issues. Remember, you will build your packet piece by piece, and you only have to identify an intersection with race, class, or gender … not all three.

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