This House Prefers that the Eastern bloc countries had formed their own Union in

This House Prefers that the Eastern bloc countries had formed their own Union instead of joining the European Union (EU).
In this exercise, you will debate with an AI-assisted tool on the above motion. Here are the steps of your debate:
A. Debate preparation
Review the motion and conduct your research to develop an understanding about the topic.
Write down your arguments for and against the motion.
B. Debating using AI-assisted tools
I. Initial prompt:
“I’m a debate student. The motion for this debate is “This House Prefers that the Eastern bloc countries had formed their own Union instead of joining the European Union (EU).” What are 5 arguments for and 5 arguments against this motion?”
II. Review the arguments for and against the motion by doing outside research.
III. Second prompt:
“Let’s have a debate on these points. I’ll respond to each of these points, one by one. Please respond to each of my rebuttals after I type them. Keep your answers short and to the point.”
IV. Debating:
Start debating on each argument (for and against) until you are convinced. Then, move to the next argument.
C. Debate report (Word document report)
In a Word document, conclude the debate by stating your position on the motion and summarizing your supporting arguments for your position.
Also, include all your interactions with AI-assisted tool as appendix in your Word document report.

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