This essay with 4 paragraphs is an rhetorical analysis essay on the book V for V

This essay with 4 paragraphs is an rhetorical analysis essay on the book V for Vendetta
Must include this:
1, Thesis- In the graphic novel, V for Vendetta, author Alan Moore argues that every person fight against an oppressive government is a more deeply personal journey
introduction must include:
• The title of the novel and the author – see examples
• Enough context on the plot and characters for an uninformed reader to understand any references.
• cannot just name drop V or Evey or the Norsefire government.
2, Two rhetorical strategies (used by V in the book V for Vendetta) for two body paragraphs (two strategies could be for example symbolism and pathos, just examples it’s up to you)
Two pieces of evidence from the text for each rhetorical strategy
body paragraphs should generally follow this format:
• Topic sentence with rhetorical strategy that is going to be discussed
• Evidence from the text, of the strategy
• Commentary explaining why the evidence is important, related to argument
• Evidence from the text, of the strategy
• Commentary explaining why the evidence is important, related to argument

Topic commentary that ties the
rhetorical strategy back to the
rhetorical situation
4, Conclusion
• Rephrase your thesis statement
• Highlight the ideas the author showcases
• You do not need to summarize your own essay or previously mentioned rhetorical strategies
• Apply said ideas universally – leave the reader with something to consider!
Thank youuu very much

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