The report must be double-spaced and in 12-point Times New Roman format. It is e

The report must be double-spaced and in 12-point Times New Roman format.
It is expected to write a total of 4-6 pages (not including lists of works cited and graphic content (tables, charts, etc.).
Section 1 : Discuss What Has/Has Not Worked in Terms of Recent Policy (x4-5 pages)
Clearly and concisely discuss the efficacy of these regulations and programs, meaning how well
they have worked relative to what they were intended to accomplish. This means you must
critique the regulations and programs with supporting information
Section 2: Discuss Recommendations (x1 page)
Provide your recommendation for addressing the issues based on considering the nature of the problem, history of legislation
and programming to address it, what has worked and not worked, and the alternatives you
discussed. Recommendations can be based on revising existing regulations and programs,
adapting alternatives, or they can be something “new” that you propose.

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