The purpose of this assignment is for you to write an 8-10 page research proposal. You will select your own research question and decide on a population that you feel best addresses this question. Your study will either be quantitative or qualitative in nature. For either option, you need to ground your study using at least 5-6 scholarly sources. I would strongly recommend utilizing more than 5 sources if you want to receive full points on this assignment. Please also see the document regarding what counts as a scholarly source.
The paper is to be typed in 12-point Times New Roman font (or Calibri 11 points), double-spaced, numbered, with 1” margins, and in ASA format. Also, please include your name in the header or footer next to the page number.
Each paper needs to have the following sections:
Title Page – Create a title for your proposal. Include your name, the course number, and the semester. (does not count towards page minimum)
Abstract – 150-200 words providing an overview of the project. (does not count towards page minimum)
Introduction (1-2 pages) – introduce the topic, discuss the variables, identify the significance of the study
Theoretical perspective – identify and briefly describe the theoretical approach used
Research purpose statement and research questions/hypotheses
Literature Review (3-5 pages) – summary of relevant literature. Make sure all elements of the paper (DV, IV, and theory are thoroughly addressed)
Design and Methods (2-4 pages) – how will you carry out your research project?
Methodology and data collection – what methodology are you using and why?
Population, sampling, and subjects – what is your population? Sample? How will you find subjects?
Measures and Operationalization – what are the variables you are using in your study? How are you operationalizing them?
For quantitative papers, discuss the phrasing of the questions you will be asking and the response options. For each, discuss how the variable was operationalized and what latent concept it is designed to measure. Include controls in this section.
For qualitative papers, discuss the phrasing of the questions, what they are designed to capture, and how you intend to analyze the data.
Reflexivity – what are the potential sources of bias in your study and how are you going to account for them.
For quantitative papers, discuss how you constructed questions that were valid, reliable, and easy to understand. Also discuss the control variables you included and how you decided on your sampling frame.
For qualitative papers, discuss how you decided on your questions, the follow-up questions and probes you have, your sampling, and how you plan on dealing with bias while coding.
Expected Results (1-2 pages) – based on literature, what do you expect to find?
For full points you must explicitly address the literature mentioned in the literature review, discuss how your theory will be proven/disproven, and address your measures.
For quantitative, discuss your hypotheses.
For qualitative, discuss the codes you expect to find.
Conclusion (1/2-1 page) – Restate the importance of your proposed study, discuss strengths and weaknesses.
References (does not count towards page minimum) – in ASA format.
Appendix (does not count towards page minimum) – include your questions in an appendix for 10 points extra credit.
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