The purpose of Assignment 2 is to learn how to write or practice writing an ann

The purpose of Assignment 2 is to learn how to write or practice writing an annotated bibliography which is a great tool for any type of scholarly writing and at the same time to search the current, scholarly literature for topics related to the learning outcomes of this course.
Here is information about how to compose an annotated bibliography.
Home – How to Write an Annotated Bibliography – APA Style (7th edition) – LibGuides at University of Maryland Global Campus ( to an external site.
Each entry should begin with a complete APA citation and be followed by a paragraph or two describing the article including its purpose, its methodology and its findings.
Assignment Two Directions
Review the seven Learning Objectives for this course on page 2 of the syllabus. Find a current (2017 and beyond) scholarly, peer-reviewed article related to each of the 7 learning objectives and add it to your Annotated Bibliography. This means you will be reviewing and annotating seven articles in total.
Note: You cannot use any articles that are weekly assigned readings in this course.
Format the seven entries in the same order as the learning outcomes. Identify each learning outcome and then give your complete APA citation followed by a paragraph or two describing the article including its purpose, methodology and findings. Each entry will follow this pattern:
Learning Outcome 1: Identify emerging strategic human resource challenges and how an organization’s human resources influence its performance and productivity.
APA reference citation goes here.
Annotated bibliographic reference starts here and is one or two paragraphs long.
Repeat this pattern for each of the seven entries. Your submission will be judged on relevance of the article to the learning outcome as well as completeness of the entry.

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