Task: You are commissioned to present to a group of high school students who are

Task: You are commissioned to present to a group of high school students who are interested in studying criminal justice in college. As you know their attention span is short. Therefore, you have decided to use a table/chart as a creative way to help you explain the below topics.
Note 1: Creativity means you can use colors and different font styles
Note 2: Top left-hand corner: running across horizontally – Your name, Prof. Barnaby, Crime & Punishment, date Topic: Crime Classification
Note 3: I find the links below an easy way for students to access the information.
Note 4: In the table you will include the section number and class (example, 130.00 and B Felony)
Note 5: The key is to make the table easy to read by using the least number of words.
If the links do not work – Copy & Paste or search ‘New York State Law – Penal Law Consolidated Laws of New York’s Penal Code
Part I: What is the difference between – key difference(s)
A. Murder in the 1st and 2nd degrees
B. Manslaughter in the 1st and 2nd degrees
C. Rape in the 1st, 2nd & 3rd degrees
D. Stalking in the 1st & 2nd degrees
Note 5: You can place Part II, III & IV below the table
Part II: What is the difference between –
E. Homicide and Murder
Part III: Why?
F. Why are crimes classified based on degrees (ex. 1st and 2nd)
Part IV: Agree or Disagree with the Punishment?
Take a look the case below and do some INVESTIGATION of your own and provide your take.
1. Do you think the sentence was appropriate or inappropriate?
2. What issues this case brings to the forefront? For example, ‘race’, ‘privilege’, etc.
3. What things you found particularly important/interesting about this case?
“The defendant, Christopher Belter, who pleaded guilty to rape and sex abuse in 2019, was sentenced to eight years’ probationand must register as a sex offender, but will not face prison time”
Main source: https://abcnews.go.com/US/judge-sentences-admitted…
Produce your assessment in no more 500 words.
Note 6: The general font style for the course is Times New Roman
Note 8: Separate your work by Parts I, II, III & IV

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