TASK 6: Presentation  Each presentation must be 10 minutes in length only. Deli

TASK 6: Presentation
 Each presentation must be 10 minutes in length only.
 Once your product is final, show it to your tutor and get the feedback of your product and improve your product based on the feedback given by the tutor.
 After the development and submission of the above design, submit and present a reflection report outlining the methods you used in your production. The report structure is given at the rest of this coursework paper.
 Upload your report to Turnitin and submit the graphics folder to the link provide by your tutor.
 Any citations and references should be done using the Harvard Style of Referencing.
 The quality of your work will be carefully assessed (Please see marking scheme and marking criteria)
3. Some points about Graphics Implementation
You should design/collect the images/videos/logos to support the building of your product and then to combine all those graphics and other interactive screens to produce a meaningful required final product. Here are some points about graphics Implementation:
 Collection of still images /videos /interactive product material
 Use of your own taken images gets more marks
 Create some composite images (collages or other) that make use of layers in Photoshop
 Imaginative use of filters, feather selections, and other Photoshop edits
 Combining images /videos /interactive screens to produce the final product.
 Animation of text and/or objects (movement: sizing, visual effects such as fade-blurs, etc.), in interactive or video or banner products.
 The design of the web pages is important.
 Appropriate use of Screen fonts are one of the points that must be considered in designing multimedia products, besides margins, font animations and readability of texts.

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