Students will identify a periodontal patient in their care at SWC to present a c

Students will identify a periodontal patient in their care at SWC to present a case study to the class. Periodontitis must be present, as evidenced by visible bone loss on the radiographs. Dental hygiene care must be complete for the patient to present the case study (if the care is incomplete, the student will receive a “0” on the project for their grade). The project includes the following information to be presented by the student (presentation software required-PP, Prezi, etc.):
Patient age & MH/DH review (in detail)
Periodontal status & AAP statement &Gingival statement (with descriptive details) & Calculus codeCAL review with pictures and example
Review of causes and considerations for the patients’ periodontal status
Treatment plan (in detail-expected)
Treatment plan (actual, describe why different from original plan)
Evaluation & reflection of care (outcomes met? Not met? Why?)
X-rays (photo ONLY)
Intra & extraoral photographs (show gingival condition, calculus present, unique findings).
5 test questions & answers (justification, validity & references requiredInstructionsAll items listed will be submitted in bullet point or picture format (typed, size 12 font, double spaced) on the day of your presentation through a slide presentation covering these key points (a minimum slide per bullet point is recommended):· Review of MH/DH (overview/summary)· Complete periodontal assessment details – probing depths, recession, bleeding points, furcation, mobility & suppuration (as applicable)· CAL – demonstrated & example· Treatment plan – expected AND actualo Modifications – if applicable (note if not necessary)· Outcomes – were expectations met (complete/partial/not met)o Rationale – student should be able to discuss and give rationale for care provided, modifications & outcomes· Photograph of radiographs & Intra/extraoral photographs – NO direct copies of patient chart allowed for HIPAA compliance· 5 NDHB style questions WITH rationale & references for EACH answer (multiple choice) MUST submitted on Discussion via Canvas Avoid copying the treatment plan, write it out instead-The day of the PPT presentation print rubric & submit PPT via Canvas for grading-Spelling/professional terminology is expected and will be evaluated for this project (deductions will apply)The case study is worth 25 total points. A 10-minute time limit is required for this assignment. Items printed in red are required to be reviewed during the presentation. Late presentation (defined as student NOT being prepared on the date scheduled or copies not ready at 12:15 am) will result in an automatic 15-point deduction. If the student presents more than one week late, they will receive a “0” for this project, which will significantly affect course grade.

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