Students will get to deepen their knowledge on one aging topic of their choosing

Students will get to deepen their knowledge on one aging topic of their choosing. Students will choose
their topic for the final paper using one of the modules/content areas discussed throughout this
course. For example, you may choose to expand on the topic “Love, Intimacy, & Sexuality in Older
Adulthood”, “Gero-technology”, or “Chronic Diseases among Older Adults” (your options are not
limited to these three)
This assignment involves writing a paper in APA 7 format, 6-8 pages in length (excluding title page and references – these do not count towards page limits).
Along with an introduction and conclusion section, some topics/questions you will address in your paper include:
• Overview: descriiption of the aging topic you selected. Give a basic foundation and background, pretending the reader is not familiar with this subject.
• Affected population: Impact on individuals, family, community, and society, with a focus on vulnerable or marginalized populations.
• Strengths: Discuss your topic through the lens of strengths and empowerment. What “good things” can be leveraged?
• Current Efforts: How is this aging topic being addressed at micro and macro levels of practice and policy?
• Ethics: What controversies or concerns surround your topic? What NASW Code of Ethics principles should guide social workers who work with this issue/population.
• Recommendations: what methods from your discipline and other disciplines could be used to address this topic? Include both micro and macro level ideas

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