Step 1: Search for at least THREE nursing research articles that relate to BURN

Step 1: Search for at least THREE nursing research articles that relate to BURN OUT OF HEALTH CARE DURING AND AFTER COVID 19 using Academic Search Complete, CINHAL, Pubmed, Google Scholar, or any other
database that contains nursing research articles. Identifies three appropriate study articles in a professional journal
+ Your studies must be quantitative research articles (for example: quantitative descriptive, correlational or quasi-experimental or experimental designs). At least two studies must be prospective (data actually collected at the time of the study). The other may be retrospective or prospective. Your studies may NOT be a qualitative study, a mixed method study, a quality improvement study, a systematic review, meta-synthesis, meta-analysis, meta-summary, or integrative review, or a thesis or dissertation. No animal or pilot studies. The article should not be a general information article without the elements of a study (e.g.: must include a review of literature and a methods section with results and discussion)
+ Studies/ articles must be current, within 5 years, and in English
Step 2: Find the elements in your articles that are named in the Annotated Bibliography
Step 3: Write up your assignment in the template. All of your articles will be written in one paper. No more than one page per

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