Set topic: Considerations for the ethical design of AI medical tools (AIMT). Ref

Set topic: Considerations for the ethical design of AI medical tools (AIMT). Reference at least five new, reliable, relevant and current sources in
the discussion in addition to the set sources and ethics materials
provided. You must use at least one figure or table in your paper as part of the discussion. 5 set sources will be provided in zip file named set_sources.
Key Points:
Identify three issues, each comprising at least two sub-issues, supported by evidence from a minimum of two sources per sub-issue.
In addition to specified sources, incorporate findings from five additional sources. You can allocate these additional sources to either one issue or distribute them among the three issues.
Fortunately, I’ve already pinpointed one issue in my prior assignment. Make necessary modifications based on feedback, and explore additional sources if needed to reinforce the identified problem.
I expect the progress everyday. Make sure to give a proper response

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