Select one qualitative study that you have identified in your quality improvemen

Select one qualitative study that you have identified in your quality improvement problem and purpose statement assignment and answer the following questions embedded in the Guidelines for Critiquing Unstructured Data Collection Methods:
Was the collection of unstructured data appropriate to the study aims?
Given the research question and the characteristics of study participants, did the researcher use the best method of capturing study phenomena (i.e., self-reports, observation)? Should supplementary data collection methods have been used to enrich the data available for analysis?
If self-report methods were used, did the researcher make good decisions about the specific method used to solicit information (e.g., focus group interviews, critical incident interviews, and so on)? Was the modality of obtaining the data appropriate (e.g., in-person interviews, telephone interviews, Internet questioning, and so on)?
If a topic guide was used, did the report present examples of specific questions? Were the questions appropriate and comprehensive? Did the wording minimize the risk of biases? Did the wording encourage full and rich responses?
Were interviews tape-recorded and transcribed? If interviews were not tape-recorded, what steps were taken to ensure the accuracy of the data?
Were self-report data gathered in a manner that promoted high-quality responses (e.g., in terms of privacy, efforts to put respondents at ease, and so on)? Who collected the data, and were they adequately prepared for the task?
If observational methods were used, did the report adequately describe what the observations entailed? What did the researcher actually observe, in what types of setting did the observations occur, and how often and over how long a period were observations made? Were decisions about positioning described? Were risks of observational bias addressed?
What role did the researcher assume in terms of being an observer and a participant? Was this role appropriate?
How were observational data recorded? Did the recording method maximize data quality?

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