Select one of the vignettes (to be provided by your professor) and then consider

Select one of the vignettes (to be provided by your professor) and then consider how you (whom the client is meeting for the very first time) will develop an engagement strategy. Using citations define, describe and apply skills of engagement. Then, describe how the client might push your buttons, reflecting on the interaction between the client’s intersectionality and your own. Lastly, reference the NASW Code of Ethics for guidance about how to resolve the conflict and reflect on limitations of the Code of Ethics. Support your engagement strategy with the assigned reading material in the syllabus.
When reading the vignette, think about the unique strengths and challenges the client presents and how you can use that knowledge to build rapport. Consider the cultural, spiritual, religious, familial, and intersectional identities and characteristics that the client in the vignette displays, and apply your reading to understand the unique considerations for the case. The strategy should focus on engagement NOT interventions.
Assignment Details

Please answer the following questions in your engagement strategies:
Describe the presenting problem and the unique strengths of the clients. Consider their intersectionality.
Explain how you might use basic counseling skills to engage and communicate empathy and compassion.
Provide examples of how you might hypothetically use the following skills (Choose a minimum of 3). Define and describe concepts demonstrating understanding of the concepts using citations and then apply (minimum of 3):
Verbal following
Furthering responses
Open-ended and/ or closed ended responses
Seeking concreteness
Identify the factors that may “push your buttons” and might make it difficult to communicate empathy. Consider how similarities or differences in your and the client’s gender identity, race, age, religion, ethnicity, social class, sexual identity, and ableness impact your perspective.What does the literature/research say about engagement for a client like this (e.g., their particular issue, strengths, intersectionality, etc.)?
What does the literature/research say about engagement for a client like this (e.g., their particular issue, strengths, intersectionality, etc.)?
What guidance does the NASW Code of Ethics to guide your practice? Reflect on its limitations and discuss how you might resolve any conflict.
Academic Paper Guidelines

Select one of several vignettes which will be provided to you by your instructor.
The paper should be 4-6 pages in length (not counting the title page or reference list), double-spaced, with 1-inch margins on all sides, with 12-point Times New Roman font.
Insert page numbers with the title page.
Use subheadings (in bold font) to organize your paper. See APA Manual p. 62 for levels of headings.
Do not restate the vignette or the questions in your paper, though you can identify the client as a heading, if desired.
Throughout the paper, please provide conceptual and empirical evidence to support your engagement approach, referencing a minimum of 4 scholarly works (at least 2 of those must be found outside of the 5101 syllabus). The references found outside the syllabus should be bolded on the reference page.
Case studies (if you are not actively working with a client, please use one of the following two case studies provided below; consult with me if you have any questions)
I will attach the full instructions for the assignment below.
Also, I will attach both vignettes stories, if you choose to use them. Also, I will attach all of the 5101 syllabus course readings/material some that you can chose from them.
I need at least 2 resources outside of the 5101 syllabus, course material that I provided in the attachments.
Also, this is the link, to the NASW Code of Ethics:

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