Scientists claim that dinosaurs are still present on other planets Despite the

Scientists claim that dinosaurs are still present on other planets
Despite the fact that dinosaurs have been extinct for about 65 million years, experts have proposed that they may still be extraterrestrial beings that live on other planets.
Research that was published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society raises the possibility that humans could discover dinosaurs in addition to the possibility that they exist on other worlds.
According to the study, there might be some discoveries made if researchers looked into substances that existed at the time of the dinosaurs but are not found on Earth today.
Scientists think that oxygen is a crucial component that could lead to a ground-breaking breakthrough. Today, Earth’s oxygen content is about 21%, while thirty percent was present at the time of the dinosaurs. Theoretically, this gave the dinosaurs the opportunity to proliferate and dominate the earth for millions of years.
According to the study, conditions would be favorable for alien-like dinosaurs to exist if planets in the distance are found to have oxygen levels comparable to our own.
“Modern Earth’s light fingerprint has been our template for identifying potentially habitable planets, but there was a time when this fingerprint was even more pronounced—better at showing signs of life,” said Lisa Kaltenegger, co-author of the study, in a release.
She continues: “This gives us hope that it might be just a little bit easier to find signs of life — even large, complex life — elsewhere in the cosmos.”
“The Phanerozoic is just the most recent 12 percent or so of Earth’s history, but it encompasses nearly all of the time in which life was more complex than microbes and sponges,” said Rebecca Payne, Cornell University’s main author of the study. If you were looking for something more complex than a single-celled organism, you would go elsewhere for these light signatures.”
“Hopefully we’ll find some planets that happen to have more oxygen than Earth right now because that will make the search for life just a little bit easier,” she continued. “And, who knows, maybe there are other dinosaurs waiting to be found.”

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