ROS programming Create a path planning program using either C++ or python that w

ROS programming
Create a path planning program using either C++ or python that works with turtlesim
package ( in ROS. It requires writing both subscriber and
publisher code. You can learn about these concepts by reading (Chapter 3).
You will control the motion of a robot using the turtlesim package. The simulated (turtle)
robot lives on a 30×30 grid. The coordinates for the lower-left corner are (0, 0), and for
the upper-right corner are (30,30). Initially, the turtle is positioned at (20, 20) heading
west. The simulator is designed to prevent turtle from escaping the square workspace.
You will write a program that should do the following.
 When the program begins, it should prompt the user for an input goal position (xg,
 Once the goal position is entered, your robot should move to the goal using a
proportional control scheme:
o Determine the desired heading to the goal (i.e., the heading angle from the
robot’s current position to the goal).
o Determine the heading error.
o Set the angular velocity of the robot to be proportional to the heading error.
o Set the linear velocity of the robot to be proportional to the distance to the goal.
These commands should be executed in a loop, until the robot reaches the goal
position (within certain error tolerance). This is a control scheme. Feel free to design
a more sophisticated controller.

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