Research shows that since 2005, the number of Black Canadians in our federal pri

Research shows that since 2005, the number of Black Canadians in our federal prison system has increased by 69%, and Black Canadians now represent the fastest growing group in federal prisons. The question is WHY – is this the result of on-going systemic
racism or is it reflective of realities for Black Canadians? For this paper, please do the following:
a. Research the current reality for the Black community in Canada in terms of the relationship with the Canadian Criminal Justice System (such as racial profiling, police violence, arrest rates, conviction rates, incarceration rates, level of security, treatment in prison, parole, recidivism, etc. Do not try to do all of these – the purpose is to look for explanations so choose those areas that provide the best insight into the situation). (Only choose 3-5, thank you :))
b. Based on this research, provide a comprehensive critical analysis of the primary reasons for the increase in Black incarceration in Canada. What is really going on?
c. Conclude: based on your research and analysis, what do you think needs to happen to address the situation for Black Canadians? Do you see this happening in the near future? Why or why not?
Completeness and citing – i.e. you must provide a comprehensive analysis, based on both critical thought and research. All instructions given in the framework must be followed and all aspects of that framework included in your assignment. All research
sources must be properly cited in the text and there must be a
Bibliography/References/Works Cited at the end of the paper.
b. The quality and relevance of your analysis – i.e., the connections you make between your research and class materials, the choice of resources and research
sources, and the conclusions that you come to based on these. c. The structure of your paper – i.e. it must be organized in a clear and coherent manner, well-researched and critically-analyzed. This is an academic research/analysis paper, and must be organized as such, with an introduction, body and conclusion. DO NOT USE A QUESTION AND ANSWER FORMAT. Any papers submitted in a question-answer format will be deducted a full letter grade for not following instructions.
d. Writing – regardless of the brilliance of your thinking on the subject, if it is poorly expressed, you will not get a good mark. Poor writing and grammar have a negative impact on the clarity and quality of your paper, and will be penalized. Proof-read, spell-check, grammar-check, and double check.
For all questions in this assignment, you are required to use external research sources beyond the lecture materials. Please note that you MUST cite all course materials in the text,
and you must also include them in your Bibliography/Works Cited. For this paper, you should have a minimum of seven external references not including the course resources. Due to the currency of these issues, all research presented in your paper should be
recent – as in, no more than 10 years old (i.e., no older than 2013).
Every claim you make in a research paper must be supported research and/or evidence. If you cannot support it, it does not belong in a research paper. This includes your opinions – they must be informed by research otherwise they do not belong. All sources must be properly referenced IN THE TEXT and in the
Bibliography/References/Works Cited

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