research question: What are some of the effects of mono-parental families on chi

research question: What are some of the effects of mono-parental families on children? (How does single parenting affect a child’s development)?
In Part 1 you must secure your instructor’s permission for your observation site before you will be able to access Part 2 of the observation assignment. An approved site will receive a “1” (this does not contribute to your course grade).  If you receive a “0” on this assignment, that means your site is NOT APPROVED and you should select another site and resubmit your request.
Write a one paragraph description of the site you plan to observe for a two hour period.  Appropriate sites may include locations such as: cafes, restaurants, shopping malls, public transit, libraries, parks, etc.
In your one paragraph address the following:
Why you selected the site
Time of day/week you plan to observe
What do you plan to observe (for example: interactions between people, with the environment, with pets, etc.)
Briefly describe the site
What types of sites are appropriate for observing public social interactions?
PUBLIC LOCATION: A public site is one that people would reasonably expect that their actions will be observed.  If you want to observe people that you know, or if your observation will somehow affect the interactions you observe, include that in your description.
PRIVATE LOCATION: You may observe public interactions from a private location. For example, if you have a window in your residence that will give you a place to observe public interactions.
Do not observe private interactions in your residence or place of employment.
Do not observe a location that has a primary focus on children or vulnerable populations (such as playgrounds, school classrooms, homeless centers).
Do not conduct observations in your workplace.
Be sure to keep yourself safe and act ethically.
Your site must be approved by your instructor before you can access Part 2 of this assignment.

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