Requirements: For this assignment, you are required to analyze the lyrics of a s

For this assignment, you are required to analyze the lyrics of a song about drugs and/or alcohol.
Be sure to include the lyrics and full citation for the song you choose. You will also need to view
the video for the song in order to complete all sections required for this reflection.
Respond to the following in a reflection no less than 2 pages long and using a minimum of 3
concepts or theories from chapters 7-11 (chapter 7 should be especially useful but others chapters
will work too so do not limit yourself):
I. Introduction
a. Set your topic in a broader setting “In the field of ________________________.”
b. Introduce, but do not elaborate on the main points to be covered.
c. Thesis statement “This paper ______________________.”
II. Briefly describe the song and artist who performs it.
a. Describe the genre of the song and the demographic characteristics of the most
common consumers of this music/song/artist
i. Age, race, class, gender or any other relevant categories
ii. If there is reference to any person in these lyrics, describe them.
b. Provide any additional information about the song/lyrics/artist you feel is relevant
III. What substance(s) do the lyrics refer to?
a. How do the lyrics describe the substance(s)?
i. Is it realistic? Exaggerated?
ii. How does this depiction compare to what you know about this/these
b. Does this song provide any warnings about the use of this/these substance(s)?
c. What (if anything) appears to be misleading or deceiving about the way this/these
substances are represented?
IV. Now analyze the video for this song. What is your summary of how the video depicts
the lyrics you analyzed above (II & III)?
V. Conclusion
a. Restate the thesis
b. Restate the main points covered (1 sentence for each body paragraph).
c. Closing remarks
Be sure to include the lyrics AND the full citation for the song with your reflection essay.
____No less than 2 pages long
____Cover sheet
____Double-spaced lines
____12-point font
____ Include the data requested
____ 3 concepts used & cited in-text

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