Reading critiques Write a reading critique about two of the assigned readings. F

Reading critiques
Write a reading critique about two of the
assigned readings. First, read the two readings and write a short
reflection/critique about both of them – synthesize the content of both
readings in one assessment, instead of two separate assessments. In your
post, discuss your takeaways, any themes across the articles, or any
questions you might have.
Weekly Topic:
Tools of resistance
Following are general guidelines
1. Think critically.
Your reading critique should be no more than 400 words – synthesize the
content of both readings in one assessment, instead of two separate
3. Your reading critique should include at least one question.
4. Please combine this topic with one example from China and provide your reflections
5. Use resources from the two readings for citations. APA format.
course examines the issue of justice in regard to data and the
gathering, processing, and utilization of such data. Decision-making and
resource allocation are significantly influenced by the methods of data
collection, visualization, and analysis.
Students will interact with
important texts in media and communication studies as well as research
from STS, anthropology, history, and other fields in this course.
Students will explore the complex challenges surrounding data justice,
such as power imbalances, bias and discrimination, privacy and
surveillance, and the role of data in social and economic injustice,
through a combination of theoretical texts, case studies, and
interactive discussions. The importance of data as a crucial
battleground for social justice and inclusion in the digital era will be
critically understood by the students.

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