Read the PowerPoint document that is attached. In a bulleted list, identify the

Read the PowerPoint document that is attached.
In a bulleted list, identify the out of control conditions that you see on  each slide and indicate which control chart rule(s) from the YouTube video (Control Chart:  History, Concept, & Nelson rules) justifies your answer  Note, if more than one rule applies, then note all of the rules.
NOTE:  For Nelson’s rules, just focus on the following 4 rules
1 point above the UCL or below the LCL
7 consecutive trending points
7 consecutive points on the same side of the center line
14 oscillating points.
For both charts, which data points are common cause variation?  Which are special cause variation?
For Slide 2 – Control Chart – Percentage of Schedule Attainment, what do you think happened between 9/19 and beyond?  Specifically, do you feel that something changed in that process?    Explain
For Slide 3 -Control Chart – March Painted Products, did the difference between the UCL and LCL from 8/13 and beyond get bigger or smaller?    Is that change desirable or not?  Explain

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