Read the book “Successfully Negotiating in Asia” by Kim Cheng Patrick Low and th

Read the book “Successfully Negotiating in Asia” by Kim Cheng Patrick Low and the EU practical
guidelines of “Negotiating with Chinese Business Partners”.
Compare the relative content of the two resources, and write an essay (800-1200 words in English) that addresses the following questions:
1. What are the key similarities and differences between the two resources in terms of their
advice on cross-cultural negotiation in Asia?
2. What specific challenges and opportunities do foreign negotiators face when negotiating
with Asian partners, according to the two resources?
3. What strategies and skills are recommended for successful cross-cultural negotiations in
Asia, according to the two resources?
4. Do you agree or disagree with these arguments? Why? Explain with examples.
5. Imagine that you are writing a book for Chinese businesspeople on the topic of
“Successfully Negotiating in Canada”. What would be the main topics or chapters you
would include in the book, and why? Provide an outline of your proposed book.

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