Purpose: For this essay, we will explore the causes and the effects on a particu

Purpose: For this essay, we will explore the causes and the effects on a particular topic. This essay
will primarily focus on researching interesting topics that are not being addressed or could use
further exploration as to why and how they impact society as a whole.
Instruction: For this essay, you will research and write about the causes and/or effects on the topic
of your selection. In doing so, you will argue the significance or overall impact these causes and/or
effects have on society, environments, communities, etc. as a whole and provide outside sources
that both support and oppose your arguments.
This particular essay will primarily focus on the following:
● Introducing an interesting topic and presenting the causes/effects for this topic.
● Examining opposing arguments related to the topic.
● Constructing a clear thesis statement that will serve as a roadmap for the essay.
● Researching the general claims/arguments pertaining to the causes and/or effects of your
topic and the greater impact it has on society, culture, etc.
● Providing supporting details that serve as textual evidence to help strengthen
● Analyzing the overall structure of the essay and creating outlines to organize
thoughts/main ideas
● Properly learn how to utilize in-text citations and craft work cited pages in MLA format
Objective: Write a 5-7 page essay about a controversial topic of the writer’s choosing, which they
will effectively argue for or against that topic. A good persuasive essay will:
– Establish a clear perspective that argues the causes/effects of a topic
– Organize information in a way that engages readers and establishes context
– Use tone and language appropriate for a public audience
– Incorporate textual evidence and supporting details that strengthen arguments
– Provide the reader with new information that allows them to view the topic in a new light
– Be free of mechanical and grammatical errors
– Show development through each step of the writing process
Grading Rubric:
The following rubric will be used to evaluate this essay.
Significance/Argument – Use of information to establish context, importance 30 Pts.
Word Choice/Language – Concise language, vivid verbs, smooth transitions 30 Pts.
Organization – Ordering of information and development of significance
30 Pts.
Grammar/Mechanics – Spelling, punctuation, and sentence fluency 30 Pts.
In-text Citations/Work Cited – Properly utilizes MLA Format 30 Pts.
Total: 100 Pts.
Cause and Effect Essay Topics Psychology (choose one of them)
How does the media influence our self-esteem?
What causes people to be addicted to
How can alcohol consumption lead to
What is the effect of family dynamics on a
child’s emotional development?
Does social media have an effect on mental
health issues?
How does religion impact mental health?
What are the causes and effects of eating
How does poverty affect cognitive development
in children?
Does environmental stress have an effect on
mental health?
How do gender roles influence behavior?
Cause and Effect Essay Topics Business
How does the global economy affect

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