Prompt: This next assignment is a research paper based on your annotated bibliog

Prompt: This next assignment is a research paper based on your annotated bibliography. Since you’ve
already done the research, this assignment shouldn’t be too time consuming, though it will be
challenging because you are using another set of skills. The annotated bibliography focuses on the
process of research: finding sources (using the library databases), evaluating their credibility,
assembling a balanced bibliography that includes sources providing background information on your
topic, sources that support and provide evidence for your argument, and even sources that counter your
The research paper, however, focuses on the following skills: organizing your argument,
marshaling the most persuasive and solid evidence for your position, and integrating opposing views
into your argument (thus showing that your position is informed because you have considered all sides
of the issue). It also focuses on paraphrasing material from sources and integrating quotations into your
own writing. You have to be in control of the argument and the material from sources; otherwise, you
have a data dump.
In a 8-10 page essay, take a position and compare the connections between perspectives to help
solve the problem – for example how other countries handle problems associated with criminal justice,
homelessness, or immigration. I, along with the other students in this class, will be your audience. We
won’t know much about your topic, so provide clear background information. Your goal will be to
persuade us to agree with your opinion of your issue, so we need to have a clear idea of what your
opinion is and the evidence that convinced you. We also want to be assured that you have considered
other points of view on your issue, which you can do by representing opposing views in your paper
Remember, you are both teaching us about your topic and attempting to persuade us to agree with your
opinion on it.
A successful research paper will have a clear thesis statement and an easy-to-grasp structure. It
will include credible evidence to support each point, and it will acknowledge opposing or divergent
As possible options to a straightforward research essay, you may also consider the following
formats: Podcast/Radio Recording (script necessary); a WordPress or Blog Post or something of the
like; an 8-10 min. presentation (with the same required elements); or if you have a different idea in
mind feel free to bring it up to me for discussion.
Your paper must be double-spaced with one-inch margins on all four sides. Do not skip a line
between paragraphs. Use 12-point Times New Roman font. You must use at least 8 sources, but more is
certainly allowed. Your paper must include a Works Cited page at the end.
Use this annotaded bibliography to help write the paper please!

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