PROJECT TOPIC: Computers in Education… A public ISD elementary school in your n

PROJECT TOPIC: Computers in Education…
A public ISD elementary school in your neighborhood has received a grant to create a computer lab with Internet access so that students can learn about computers and related technologies. You need to determine the best configuration for setting up a lab with laptops/desktop computers and peripherals for a class of 18 elementary school students and one teacher. Ipad’s are not within the Budget. The content of the Project is:
Research whether a Mac or PC is more beneficial
Enumerating pros and cons of your choice of computers,
Pros and Cons of Macs and
Pros and Cons of PC’s.
Pick your choice of Mac or PC.
Research the application software that should be installed on these computers appropriate for elementary school students
Details of all the application software giving specific names/titles o how will each software benefit the students. Software titles should include Math, English, Science, History and any other course relevant topics.
Which peripheral devices should be attached to these computers?
How many will be required to set up the computer lab… ex. Printers, Digital
cameras, Mics, Speakers, any learning devices ……
Give brief technical details of all peripherals suggested.
A class of 18 might have about 3-4 special needs kids. Plan for at least three kinds of special needs requirement (ex Autism, Vision impaired, Hearing disability, ADHD…)
the software required to be purchased for special needs students and the hardware required to be purchased for special needs students
Compile all your findings in a PowerPoint Presentation and turn it in at the Project Upload link provided in Module 18.
Content of your Presentation should be as per topic above.
Please read Project Instructions and go thru Project Sample Solution before you start working.
Please cover all the points mentioned above in detail.
This is not a completion grade; your project will be graded on content and as per Rubric provided.
All deductions will be as per Rubric (Capstone Project Instructions) provided in Eagle online.
Please note, Plagiarism (-100 pts)

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