PROBLEM STATEMENT: You are tasked with writing a simple GUI that loads App Sto

You are tasked with writing a simple GUI that loads App Store information from a local MySql server using the JDBC driver and is able to filter it by rating.
80% Code quality/Correct usage of programming concepts

25% Correct usage of JDBC MySQL Driver
25% Correct usage of GUI/JavaFX
15% Correct usage of OOP
15% Supporting code and logic (control structures, logic, etc.)

Program runs/correct results (10%)
Formatting/Indentation (10%)
The apps can be filtered by a minimum rating of 2, 3, or 4. The user can also view allapps (clearing the filter).
The app data should be loaded into memory using a class that will store each app’s relevant information.
A SQL script has been attached to the assignment to build the required database. Well all I have to say is you need mySQL to complete assignment. on top of java 

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